“The bottom line in leadership isn’t how far we advance ourselves but how far we advance others.” Remember – leaders add value to others by serving others.
Delighting your employees and your customers are easier said than done in many cases, especially since the very idea differs from what many big businesses like to do.
Think about your attitude towards leadership. Is it a servant’s attitude? If you balk at those words, you need to work on your own self-development before you can add value to your company through your employees. Learning how to do this is an ongoing process.
Mr. Maxwell has four main ways that we add value to others:
- When we value them.
- When we make ourselves more valuable to them.
- When we know and relate to what they value.
- When we do things that God values.
The Law of Addition for leadership states that if you choose to serve your customers and your employees by adding value rather than trying to come out on top or make yourself richer, higher profits will follow. You’ll retain your talent, spend less on marketing in favor of word-of-mouth advertising, and people will want to buy what you’re selling.
“The best place for a leader isn’t always the top position. It isn’t the most prominent or powerful place. It’s the place where he or she can serve the best and add the most value to other people.”
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Stephen W Murphy: stephen@sage4groupllc.com